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The Local RGF93 Solution is computed by the Double-Difference method with RTKlib. All OMIV multifrequency stations are tied to a RGP stations. All monofrequency stations are tied to the closest OMIV or RGP multifrequency station. This product should be used for studying local displacements since it does not take into account earth plates motion.

The global IGS20 solution are computed using GipsyX software PPP single point solution for multifrequency stations. There is no IGS20 solution for the monofrequency stations (files will be empty). As this solution is not tied to any local reference frame, timeseries will embed earth plates motion.

The Zenithal Wet Tropospheric Delay (ZWD) is a side product of GipsyX computations. The Hydrostatic Delay (ZHD) is extracted from the Vienna Mapping Function 1 (VMF1) model. ZWD is a parameter of the SRIF algorithm of GipsyX in which ZHD is kept fixed at each observation epoch. The Tropospheric Delay product is only available for multifrequency stations. The time resolution is @1h, which is a resampling of the original data (@5min). Thus, min and max of variables are also given for each resampling period.